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Vendor: IBM
Exam Code: C9510-401
Exam Name: IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V8.5.5 and Liberty Profile System Administration
Certification Provider: IBM
Total Questions: 73 Q&A ( View Details)
Updated on: Jan 16, 2025
Note: Product instant download. Please sign in and click My account to download your product.The computer where a federated node was running had a failure and cannot be recovered. A system administrator wants to recreate the node with the same configurations in another computer.
Which steps should the administrator execute in order to recover the damaged node?
A. Configure the new computer with a different hostname.Create a custom profile with the same name.Federate to the cell using the command addNode with the default options.
B. Configure the new computer with a different hostname.Create a custom profile with a different name.Federate to the cell using the command addNote with the option 璦sExistingNode.
C. Configure the new computer with the same hostname.Create a custom profile with the same name.Federate to the cell using the command addNote with the option 璦sExistingNode.
D. Configure the new computer with the same hostname.Create a custom profile with the same name.Federate to the cell using the command addNote with the options 璱ncludeapps.
A system administrator has configured a network deployment cell containing multiple nodes and global security enabled with an LDAP repository. To increase capacity, the administrator needs to add additional nodes to the cell. After adding the nodes by using both scripts and the Integrated Solutions Console (ISC), the administrator examines the System.out log for the deployment manager and notices the following message:
How can the administrator resolve this problem?
A. Disable Java 2 security.
B. Restart the deployment manager.
C. Increase the RSA token timeout value.
D. Change the number of active LTPA keys.
Which of the following comprises an initial Liberty profile server process?
A. A single JVM, the Liberty kernel, and feature manager.
B. A single JVM, and OSGI framework and an object request broker.
C. an OSGI framework, a web container and an EJB container.
D. AN administrative agent, the Liberty kernel and shared libraries.
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