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Vendor: Salesforce
Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Data Cloud Consultant
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Total Questions: 104 Q&A ( View Details)
Updated on: Jan 20, 2025
Note: Product instant download. Please sign in and click My account to download your product.A customer has a custom Customer Email c object related to the standard Contact object in Salesforce CRM.
This custom object stores the email address a Contact that they want to use for activation.
To which data entity is mapped?
A. Contact
B. Contact Point_Email
C. Custom customer Email__c object
D. Individual
A consultant is reviewing a recent activation using engagement-based related attributes but is not seeing any related attributes in their payload for the majority of their segment members.
Which two areas should the consultant review to help troubleshoot this issue? Choose 2 answers
A. The related engagement events occurred within the last 90 days.
B. The activations are referencing segments that segment on profile data rather than engagement data.
C. The correct path is selected for the related attributes.
D. The activated profiles have a Unified Contact Point.
A client wants to bring in loyalty data from a custom object in Salesforce CRM that contains a point balance for accrued hotel points and airline points within the same record. The client wants to split these point systems into two separate records for better tracking and processing.
What should a consultant recommend in this scenario?
A. Clone the data source object.
B. Use batch transforms to create a second data lake object.
C. Create a junction object in Salesforce CRM and modify the ingestion strategy.
D. Create a data kit from the data lake object and deploy it to the same Data Cloud org.
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